Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 6, 2015

0 Hiểu và phòng ngừa bệnh GOUT


Hi Bà con,

Vừa rồi đi khám sức khỏe, sau khi xét nghiệm máu, BS nói Uric Acid cao, chưa đến nỗi phải dùng thuốc nhưng nhất định phải hiểu biết và ăn uống đúng mức hàng ngày để tránh bị GOUT tấn công. Thấy thông tin BS gởi hay và bổ ích, đặc biệt là "càng giàu và càng già" kiểu C1-88 chắc tương lai dễ có nhiều người "dính" dụ này. 

Xin chia sẻ để bà con tham khảo. (Thỉnh thoảng mình có tạm dịch vài câu, vài chữ, nếu có gì sai sót mong các BS nhà mình thông cảm, đặc biệt là BS TS "khớp"). Mấy ông đọc để còn sức chiến đấu, mấy bà đọc để chỉ cho chồng giữ sức chiến đấu, ...


Gout or "gouty arthritis" is an inflammation of a joint due to a build-up of gout crystals in the joint fluid. This occurs when there is an excess uric acid (a normal waste product) in the body. Uric acid builds up in the body when the kidneys are unable to filter enough of it from the blood (Acid uric tích tụ trong cơ thể khi thận không thể lọc đủ trong máu). This may occur with aging or kidney disease (thận bị lão hóa). Gout occurs more often in persons with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, high fats in the blood. It may be present in other family members. Alcohol and certain foods (such as shellfish and alcohol) may increase uric acid levels in the blood and cause a gout attack. (bia rượu và một số thực phẩm có thể làm tăng uric acid trong máu)

Gout causes a hot, red, swollen and painful joint. If you have had one episode of gout, you are likely to have another. An acute attack of gout can be treated with anti-inflammatory and other medicine. If these attacks become frequent it may be necessary to take a daily medicine to help the kidney remove uric acid from the body.  (nếu Gout cấp tính có thể được điều trị bằng kháng viêm và thuốc khác (giảm đau). Nếu thường xuyên (mãn tính) có thể phải uống thuốc hàng ngày để giúp thận loại bỏ acid uric ra khỏi cơ thể.)

Home Care (tự sướng):
  1. Apply an ice pack (ice cubes in a plastic bag, wrapped in a towel) over the injured area for 20 minutes every 1-2 hours the first day for pain relief. Continue this 3-4 times a day until the pain and swelling goes away.
  2. Avoid alcohol and foods listed below (see Prevention) during a gout attack (chỗ này hiểu như có vẻ chỉ hạn chế trong quá trình guut tấn công thôi - hehe). Drink extra fluid to help flush the uric acid through your kidneys (uống nước nhiều).
  3. Rest painful joints. If gout affects the joints of your foot or leg, you may want to use crutches for the first few days to keep from bearing weight on the foot or leg. (nếu cần phải đi nạn - quá ghê)
  4. Take anti-inflammatory medicine as directed. You may be prescribed Indocin (indomethacin), or over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or naproxen (Naprosyn or Aleve). Tylenol will not be as effective since it is not an anti-inflammatory drug (có thể uống thuốc giảm đau như Advil - cái này ở Mỹ nhiều lắm, bán rộng rãi, ở VN cúng có - 2 ngàn 1 viên. Tylenol  không có tác dụng - nhiều người hay dùng cái này).
  5. If narcotic pain medicines have been prescribed, they should be used in addition to the anti-inflammatory drugs and only for severe pain. Avoid aspirin since this may slow down the flushing of the uric acid through your kidneys.
Preventing Future Attacks: (phòng ngừa)
  • Minimize or avoid alcohol use. Excess alcohol intake can cause a gout attack. (Hạn chế bia rượu - đặc biệt là rượu đỏ - cái này xưa như trái đất nhưng lúc nào cũng đúng).
  • Foods high in purine form uric acid in the body and increase your risk for a gout attack. Therefore, avoid the following foods: certain seafoods (anchovies, sardines, shrimp, scallops, herring, mackerel); wild game, meat extracts and meat gravies; organ foods (kidney, liver, calf brain, sweetbreads). Avoid drinks with fructose (a type of sugar). Có thể nhớ như vầy cho dễ: tránh ăn: shellfish (mấy con hải sản có vỏ, nghêu sò ốc hến, tôm ghẹ, cua - nói chung không "dùng" mấy con... ghẹ -:D); không ăn nội tạn (bao tử, gan, thận, ... dạo này cái này rất phổ biến); đừng uống mấy thứ có đường tự nhiên kiểu như mật ong.
  • Limit the following foods to one serving a day: red meat and pork, fish, poultry, dried beans and peas, asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower and spinach. (ăn ít mấy cái này hàng ngày)
  • If you are overweight, this is a risk factor and you should talk to your doctor about a weight reduction plan. However, avoid fasting or extreme low calorie diets (less than 900 cal/day) which will increase uric acid levels in the body. (Ăn ít nhưng đừng có kiên cử quá đáng)
  • If you are diabetic or have high blood pressure, work with your doctor to achieve control of these conditions.
  • Avoid injury to the involved joint since this can lead to a gout attack.
  • Colchicine can be effective in stopping a gout attack. If you were given a prescription of this medicine for future use, begin it at the first sign of an attack. Colchicine may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other side effects.
Follow Up
With your doctor as advised or if you are not improving after three days of treatment.
  • Get Prompt Medical Attention if any of the following occur:
  • Fever over 100.4ºF (38.0ºC) with worsening joint pain
  • Increasing redness around the joint
  • Pain developing in another joint
  • Repeated vomiting, abdominal pain, or blood in the vomit or stool (black or red color)
© 2000-2014 Krames StayWell, 780 Township Line Road, Yardley, PA 19067. All rights reserved. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professional's instructions.


Gout is a painful condition caused by an excess of uric acid, a waste product made by the body. Uric acid forms crystals that collect in the joints. This brings on symptoms of joint pain and swelling. This is called a gout attack. Often, medications and diet changes are combined to manage gout. Below are some guidelines for changing your diet to help you manage gout and prevent attacks. Your healthcare provider will help you determine the best eating plan for you.

Limiting or avoiding certain foods can help prevent gout attacks.
Eating To Manage Gout
Eat Less Of These Foods
Eating too many foods containing purines may increase the levels of uric acid in your body. This increases your risk of a gout attack. Try to limit these foods and drinks that are high in purine:
  • Alcohol, such as beer and red wine (you may be told to avoid alcohol completely) (tránh bia, rượu. Có thể nói là chấm dứt vĩnh viễn - thôi rồi lượm ơi!)
  • Certain fish, including anchovies, sardines, fish eggs, and herring (cá cơm, cá mòi, trứng cá, cá trích)
  • Certain meats, such as red meat, hot dogs, luncheon meats, and turkey
  • Organ meats, such as liver, kidneys, and sweetbreads (lại là nội tạng)
  • Legumes, such as dried beans and peas
  • Mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, and cauliflower
Eat More Of These Foods
Other foods may be helpful for people with gout. Add some of these foods to your diet:
  • Dark berries, such as blueberries, blackberries, and cherries. These contain chemicals that may lower uric acid. (ăn nhiều berries, and cherries - cái này ở Mỹ cũng rất nhiều nhưng  không rẻ
  • Tofu, a source of protein made from soy. Studies have shown that it may be a better choice than meat for people with gout. (tuyệt vời, hãy ăn nhiều đậu hủ - kiểu đi tu - luôn luôn kêu dĩa đậu hủi chiên)
  • Omega fatty acids. These are found in some fatty fish (such as salmon), certain oils (flax, olive, or nut), and nuts themselves. Omega fatty acids may help prevent inflammation due to gout. (các chất có nhiều Omega acid, cá hồi - may quá còn có cá để ăn)
The Following Diet Guidelines Are Recommended By The American Medical Association For People With Gout
Choose foods that are:
  • High in fiber: whole grains, fruits, and vegetables
  • Low in protein (15% of calories from lean protein such as soy, lean meats, and poultry)
  • Low in fat (no more than 30% of calories from fat, with only 10% from animal fat)
Follow Up
as advised by the doctor or our staff.
Get Prompt Medical Attention if any of the following occurs:
  • Return of gout symptoms, usually at night:
  • Severe pain, swelling, and heat in a joint, especially the base of the big toe
  • Affected joint is hard to move
  • Skin of the affected joint is purple or red
  • Fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher
  • Pain that is not controlled by prescribed medication 
© 2000-2014 Krames StayWell, 780 Township Line Road, Yardley, PA 19067. All rights reserved. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professional's instructions.

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